Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another Rainy Day...

God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done. ~Author Unknown

Yea I know we need the rain... But I was just getting use to the sun again. But the rain barrel is full again and we are back in business. I really think the flowers are doing much better this year with all the rain water I have been giving them.

I didn't have to work today, and it is suppose to rain all day so maybe I can force myself to do some house cleaning. I just hate to be inside, inside is for winter...

I snapped a few good pictures yesterday... Imagine me taking pictures!!!

On my butterfly plant we found a Monarch Butterfly caterpillar. Of course just eating away at it. But I just left it alone so it will become a beautiful butterfly. They are so pretty even as a Caterpillar. Try out this link, it is really cute. there is a video done by a child on all the stages of a Monarch Butterfly. http://www.mesquiteisd.org/imovie/monarchbutterfly.htm

I watched the video three times it is so cute.... Now go find you some milk weed and try it yourself...

I'm going to keep an eye on it the next few days to see what it does..

Ok I better show you what the mystery flower is before we all forget about it!!! LOL

It's my Moon Flower... Just starting to open up... It smells so good!!! I think in an earlier there is a video on the Moon Flower opening up... Check it out...

Before I go... I read a good article this morning and thought you might enjoy it..http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/printstory.php?rid=1166
Have a Good One...

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