Of course I really had no idea what I was doing, but I have never been known to let that stop me...LOL A few weeks ago I had broken a bowl that was very dear to me. Therefore I knew I just couldn't put it in the trash. After looking at Penny's blog I knew just what I had to do next! I had this little Well/Fountain in the basement unfinished for years. You know one of those projects we buy and just never get too... Well it was time, so around the edge of the roof I used my bowl. In the center just some ceramic tile that was left over from the bathroom floor. Not having any real tools to do this I just smashed it with a small hammer and glued it down. Grouted it and painted the rest. It has a pump inside so the water really flows from the bucket...
Update on seedlings...
I can't wait to get these babies outside and growing... Usually it is plenty warm to at least get them outside in their little greenhouse this time of the year. Although this year winter just doesn't want to give up... It was in the 30's last night. Even though I know it really isn't time yet I am just going crazy!!!! I WANT IT TO BE TIME. This weekend it is going to be in the 80's and stay there at least up until next Wed. I hope this is the beginning so some warmer weather. I think the greenhouses will at least go on the covered porch. We can usually put annuals out around Mothers Day weekend. But I always like to push it a little. I have so much that is ready to go into hanging baskets and in the ground, I just need to get things outside!
New little black cherry coleus...
I am going to plant lots of coleus this year. I love pretty leaves, usually I just plant them in pots but this year I am going to plant them in my flowerbeds. I saved some this winter at school in my windows and they are doing well. The things at school will come home next weekend.
How lovely that turned out. I am honored that I was an inspiration to you. Thank you for saying such nice things about my mosaics.
Lynn - how do you get the plants not to crumble apart when you remove them from the roasting pans. Love that idea by the way!
Beth it doesn't matter if the dirt curmbles apart. I just scoop them up with my fingers or take the back end of a spoon to pull them out. Just so you don't break the roots off you are fine. It really is easy...
Well I have the same little greenhouse but it doesn't have anything in it. You have just lit a fire under me. We are 3-4 weeks behind weather wise this year.
Lynn, what a great job you did that piece!
Thanks so much for checking in on me. I'm fine, just needed some time to take a break and focus on home and family. Hope to be "back" soon!
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