This is Mary from West Virginia University doing a presentation at the Veterans Square on Ergonomic Tools. Showing us how to get back into our gardens if you have any joint problems. I wrote a grant this spring for the Green Thumbs Grant and the Marion County Master Gardner's received $1,000.00 to be used in the raised beds at the Veterans Square, $200.00 went to the tools to be used there..
Next was the Tomato Tasting Festival at High Gate on Sunday. This demo was all about worms and how to have your own worm farm to make your own compost. Of course my husband was real excited at this demo! We are the proud owners of 1 lb. of worms and as we speak he is in the garage getting his worm farm going... There he is in the back in green...
This is a local Chef doing his demo on tomato's, he always comes up with great recipes for us each year!!! He is a real crowd pleaser...
The butterfly farm came with a tent full of butterfly's for the kids to go into and enjoy. My neighbors granddaughter Kyra loved it and took lots of great pictures...
Lots and Lots of them...
Here's our worm farm booth with all the instructions on how to make your own at home...
There were 62 plates of tomatoes to taste and boy were they great, lots of different varieties to choose from and be judged for flavor...
They are always presented beautifully and the community loves tasting them all...
One of our Master Gardner's dug up a whole tomato plant with a Tomato Hornworm, with Wasp Larvae laid on it, and brought it to the festival for everyone to see. It was really cool, click on the link and check it out, it is really interesting...
Here is his tomato on the winners table, it is the one in the back.... This tomato seed was given to him 35 years ago by his son and he had no idea what kind of tomato it was. He calls it Pleasant Valley Delight and the judges were delighted with it too...
The winners table...
Music was played by this lovely lady all day, I just love to listen to her!
Some of our happy Master Gardner's standing out front greeting everyone as they came in...
Our newest members to my back yard, just born last weekend. Their eyes aren't even opened in this picture. I looked at them on Friday and they are really growing. They are Chipping Sparrows...
You just do the most interesting things. I loved this post...especially the tomato tasting and varieties. Don't you just love a juicy tomato?
Thanks for posting my mystery flower at Dave's Garden...I'm waiting to see if I should pull it up or let it be. Have a great day today. Balisha
I've missed reading your posts each day. I check here often to see if you have posted anything. Take your time...I know you're a busy gal. Winter will be here and you can get back to it.
By the way, what are you knitting?
You sure do keep yourself busy and into many things. Guess I better get my cateracts done..when I first saw the picture of that white knit hat, it looked like a head of cauliflower to me with something green around it. LOL! Great cause..that's one I'd never heard of. Of course, I don't do any needlework at all. My dear MIL used to do lap robes for patients in nursing homes. Our Homemaker's Club back in the 1970's made Clipper the Clown for Children's hospital( the one in DC) patients.
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