Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thrifty Gardening...

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. ~Albert Camus

If you haven't already thought about it, now is the time to gather all your seeds for next year. Almost everything is going to seed. Just start looking at all those plants that are starting to put out those hundreds of seeds. Why buy all those Marigolds again next year when you have thousands of seeds sitting right there. They are one of the easiest flowers to grow from seed. Your kids will really enjoy growing a few for themselves...

Look at all those impatiens that are still holding on. You will be amazed at the amount of seeds they put on.
See that little green pod...
Yep that's the one, it is almost ready to pop with seeds.
When it is ready , put one hand under it and pop it.
Be careful seeds will go everywhere...
The Nigella you can just save the seed or put them where you want them for next year right how. Just drop them on top the soil and you will see them start to come up in the very early spring.
Look inside you will find all the seeds you need for next year...
All those little cuttings you can take to propagate for next year. I have cut back all the Geranium's and dipped in rooting hormone and have them potted up and ready to come inside for the winter. Just keep them pinched back and water a little add a little sun and you will have plenty to start off the summer...

Lantana, Heliotrope, Begonias, Strawberry Begonias, Bridal Vail, Sweet Potato Vine, Coleus and so many more can be over wintered, just a couple cuttings off of each and you will be amazed at what you have saved in the spring....
Don't forget in the spring visit all your garden friends early, there isn't a gardener I know that doesn't love to give things away in the spring. There are always new things coming up that we will either have to dig up and give away or they will go to the compost pile if you can't find a home for them. I know I would much rather share then see them go to compost!!!
Remember check to see what time of the year you can divide the things that are big enough to divide. Some you can divide now, if you are going to divide things in the spring make sure you do it early so you won't bother their blooming time...
I hope some of this has helped you...
Try a few of those seeds you will be amazed at what you can grow at home and save yourself some money this spring by do it!!!

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