Monday, March 16, 2009

Update on Baby Black Bear...

I found out today that the BABY BLACK BEAR, Is safe and sound with it's new mommy and feeding just fine.... They found it a home last week in a big hollowed out tree. Slipped her right in with the other cub while Mommy Bear wasn't looking and she picked it right up and started feeding her...

A wonderful ending to a great story....
SHE WAS JUST TOO CUTE..... Look at the Star of Bethlehem and the Campanula Korean Bell Flower they are really coming up...
Campanula Korean Bell Flower
FAMILY: Campanulaceau
SPECIES: Takesimana
Bloom time: Mid Summer
Great in a contained bed or Container Garden( or just like me I just take out unwanted plants and give them away...)

This is the Campanula from last June and below is a close up of the flower... I love them ...

I'm still planting lots of seeds, I'm up to 15 flats... Only 4 more days til spring... I am getting so excited. I just want to be outside, I want school to be out, and I want to be back working at the Garden Center.... I KNOW I WANT A LOT!!! LOL


  1. Glad to see that Baby Black Bear is doing fine. They are so cute, but of course need to be back in the wild.

    I remember all too well that feeling this time of year and counting the days till school was out:) It was especially hard on glorious sunny days like this. Looks like spring has really come to your part of the world! And I enjoyed the pop bottle planters--this was a new idea for me.

  2. Lynn, I am still trying to get over the fact that the dog brought home the baby bear without getting mauled by mama. It looks so helpless. So glad it got another mama.It must have been a shock to you when the dog brought it home :)


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