Saturday, March 21, 2009

UPDATE ON PROJECT...My husband is going to throw my computer away....

We made a trip to Lowe's today, with good intentions of just buying my parents a new hot water dispenser for their kitchen sink. My father has been in the hospital and why is it, it never fails something always breaks at their house and my husband has to go fix it.... Not only did the dispenser break but the sink was leaking and he had to fix it too...

By the time we left Lowe's I had 4 projects in the buggy for us to do. He says it is because I am on the computer too much finding things for him to do on my Garden Blogs, Dave's Garden, HGTV, and what ever else I can find....But it is not just that my mind just won't stop... You know what I mean... I think it is a women thing!!! LOL

We had an antique coat rack in the basement that had been there for ever all I wanted him to do was throw it away.... It was one of the the first things we bought right after we got married. At a yard sale of all places. So it is old. So when he didn't throw it away I knew he wanted to keep it around... SO THAT MIND STARTED TO WORK....

I am going to make a lamp/hanging plant rack out of it... I can't wait to post pictures in a few days.. Of course he thinks I am still crazy but he is in the garage working on it right now. So I guess he really did want to keep it. At least It won't be in the basement!!!



Shhh... Birds Nesting Here...
I added buttons to the sides and roof.. After I painted it....
Painted the bucket to match and drilled holes all the way around so it would look CUTE at night. It will go right beside the grill outside with flowers hanging on three sides... I can't wait to hang the baskets... Of course I have to go find some cute ones first!!! Look at how cute this one is, and there is one almost just like this in the basement too.... I'm just not sure he would go for it!!!
This one looks just like my little Claudia..... But $70.00 for that Topiary frame is just a little much for me....But how cut is she!!!

I have everything to make this COOL Hummingbird feeder wand... Can you just see me sitting in my rocker holding my Hummingbird feeder and all those hummers just waiting for a sip... I can't wait!!!

Ok I'm rambling, so it is time to go to bed..... Keep those minds going girls... That is what keeps us going this time of the year!!!

Have a good one,


  1. The computer definitely is the place I go to for home and garden inspiration. So many projects, so little time.

    I was replacing the hummingbird feeder after filling it last summer and had a hummingbird eat from my hand. It was a thrilling experience.

  2. Lynn, your coat rack turned lamp is just the cutest thing.The twig swag was just the right touch for the bird house on it etc.Your such a smarty :)

  3. I love your new lamp! That is such a cute idea! The hummingbird feeder wand is a great idea too!

  4. What a fun lamp! How creative. Just love it!

  5. Hi there...just popped over from Tootsie's blog and am enjoying YOUR cute blog. That's FUNNY about Lowe's and all the project you've got going after the shopping trip. I LOVE that HGTV has a website ---plus I get tons of ideas from wonderful blogs like yours!

  6. You Have such a cute blog! I love the topiary! I cant wait to try to make one... I think I will use different sedum's!

    Keep up the good work!

    The Rhinestone Contessa


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